Announcements Archive April 2019
Student Thesis Defence, 16 April 2019
- 12 April 2019
Name : Fashela R Nasution
Student Registration Number : G34140086
Supervisors : Dr.Bambang Suryobroto, Dr. Berry Juliandi, Mafrikul Muttaqin, M.Si
Title : Face Morphometric Analysis of Javanese People from Kwaderan Village, Magelang, Central Java
Time : 08.30 - 11.30 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology
National Selection of ONMIPA 2019
- 9 April 2019
We officially congratulate Rizal Kuwatus Salam, Yogy Satria Ariyanto, Muhamad Raffel Sidiq, Ibnu Halim, Rena Rifki Safitri, Santi Ramdayanti, Iffah Nabilah who win the Regional Selection of ONMIPA2019 and have the right to compete in the National Selection that will be held on 26-29 April 2019 in Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makasar.
Wish us luck!
#G3 #GoGetGold #bioipb
Congratulations! The grantees of PKM 2019
- 6 April 2019

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Chikmawati, M.Si as a New Professor
- 5 April 2019

We congratulate a new achievement as Professor / Guru Besar
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatik Chikmawati, M.Si*
Based on Keputusan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia No 11067/M/KP/2019
Research interest: Plant Taxonomy, Plant Biosystematics, Molecular of Plant Diversity, Ethnobiology