Announcements Archive January 2020
Student Thesis Defence,6 February 2020
- 30 January 2020
Name : Christian Tristianto
Student Registration Number : G34150078
Supervisors : Dr. Miftahudin, Supachai Vuttipongchaikij,PhD, Dr. Dedy Duryadi Solihin, DEA
Title: gene editing of four yield-related genes in thai rice using CRISPR-Cas9 : gene validation and vector construction
Time : 08.30 - 10.30 WIB
Place : Gedung PAU Lt.2 P3el IPB
Invitation to a Guest Lecture By : Muhammad Arief Budiman, Ph.D
- 24 January 2020

Invitation a Guest Lecture by : Muhammad Arief Budiman, Ph.D
Topic: Genomics: Stories of Tomato and Oil Palm Genes
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Reading Room, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Counterpart: Dr. Ir. Miftahudin, M.Si (Plant Physiology and Genetics Division)
Registration Form:
Student Thesis Defence,10 January 2020
- 8 January 2020
Name : Shifa Fauziyah
Student Registration Number : G34169501
Supervisors : Dr. Achmad Farajallah, Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati, Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi
Title: Identification of Undur Sea Undur from the Thousand Islands, Madura and Sukabumi Islands Based on Morphology and Molecularity
Time : 13.30 - 15.30 WIB
Place : Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology
Student Thesis Defence,7 January 2020
- 3 January 2020
Name : Novan Dwi Putranto
Student Registration Number : G34150014
Supervisors : Dr. Yulin Lestari, Dr. Sri Budiarti, Dr. RR Dyah Perwitasari, M.Sc
Title: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) Garcinia mangostana L Antibacterial Potential of Endophytic Endophytic Skin
Time : 09.00 - 11.00 WIB
Place : Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology
Student Thesis Defence,10 January 2020
- 3 January 2020
Name : Ardian Farizaldi
Student Registration Number : G34140065
Supervisors : Dr.Achamad Farajallah, Dr. R.R Dyah Perwitasari, M.Sc, Dr. Iman Rusmana
Title: Genetic Polymorphism and Differentiation of Karapan Madura and Madurese Cattle Using Mitochondrial D-Loop DNA
Time : 09.00 - 11.00 WIB
Place : Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology