Announcements Archive December 2018
#bioipb New Student System
- 19 December 2018

We are improving!
Our new student system will online soon!
Check yours by login to the system
Any problem can be discussed via
Student Thesis Defence 18 December 2018
- 12 December 2018
Name: Nila Sundari Aryani
Student Registration Number: G34140036
Supervisors: Dr. Gayuh Rahayu; Dr. Efriwati; Dr. Yohana Caecilia Sulistyaningsih
Title: Making Granola Made from Rhizopus Fermented Local Nuts
Time: 10.00-12.00 WIB
Place: Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology
Congratulations! Dr. Rika Indri Astuti, S.Si, M.Si as Best Poster Presenter (Biology and Health)
- 11 December 2018

Dr. Rika Indri Astuti, S.Si, M.Si*
Best Poster Presenter (Biology and Health)
in the 2018 National Seminar in Research and Community Services held by LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) on 12 December 2018.
*Microbiology Division, Department of Biology
Joint Degree IPB - Flinders University: an Introduction
- 4 December 2018
We are inviting you to a meeting that will explain a Joint Degree Program for the doctoral student. This program is a form of collaboration network between IPB and Flinders University, Australia. The meeting will be held on Friday, 7 December 2018, started from 8.30 - 11.30 WIB at Auditorium FPIK, IPB.
Please fill in this form as your attendance commitment