Announcements Archive February 2019
Student Thesis Defence, 5 Maret 2019
- 28 February 2019
Name : Siti Robiah Adawiyah
Student Registration Number : G34140007
Supervisors : Dr. R.R. Dyah Perwitasari, Dr.Yeni Aryati Mulyani, Dr. Sulitijorini
Title : Distribution and Use of Water Bird Habitats in Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Serang, Banten Province
Time : 08.30 - 11.30 WIB
Place : Court Room 4, Departemen of Biology
Congratulations! Prof.Dr.Ir. Suharsono DEA and IPB CP1 Releasing
- 25 February 2019

Department of Biology, IPB University congratulates
Prof.Dr.Ir. Suharsono DEA.
Prof. Dr. GA Wattimena, MSc
for their achievement in releasing a new potato variety named IPB CP1 (Sipiwan).
(Tanda Daftar Varietas Tanaman Hortikultura, Kementerian Pertanian RI No. 019/Kpts/SR.120/D/2/7/1/2019)
Student Thesis Defence,27 February 2019
- 22 February 2019
Name : Ismail Shaleh
Student Registration Number : G34140106
Supervisors : Dr. RIka Rafiudin, Dr.Mingkwan Nipitwattanaphon, Dr. Miftahudin
Title : DNA barcode of fungus growing termites and fungal symbionts in thailand
Time : 13.30 - 14.30 WIB
Place : Departemen of Biology.
Selection Result of IPB - ONMIPA 2019 (Biology)
- 18 February 2019

The Department of Biology congratulates students below as their achievements as the seven best students who will compete in the regional selection of ONMIPA 2019 (26-27 March 2019).
- Muhamad Raffel Sidiq
- Yogy Satria Ariyanto
- Ibnu Halim
- Santi Ramdayanti
- Rena Rifki Safitri
- Rizal Kuwatus Salam
- Iffah Nabilah
In addition, the students will have a right to follow the next coaching session.
Student Thesis Defence,14 February 2019
- 6 February 2019
Name : Aulia Ambarsari Woro
Student Registration Number : G34140100
Supervisors : Dr. Puji Rianti, Drh.Huda Shalahudin Darusman,P.hD, Hadisunarso, M.Si
Title : Daily behavior of Domestic Cats (Felis domesticus L.) Non Wild with Tabby Hair Pattern
Time : 09.00 - 11.00 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology