Announcements Archive December 2020
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 18 December 2020

Name: Fitri Nur'aeni
Student Register Number: G34160040
1. Prof Dr Ir YM Diah Ratnadewi DEA
2. Ir Sumaryono MSc
Topic: Regeneration of Adventitious Shoots in In Vitro Culture of Kitolod (Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don)
Date and Time: Thursday, December 17th 2020; 10.00-10.45 AM GMT+7 Jakarta Time
Media: Zoom
Registration Form:
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 18 December 2020

Name : Helma Aulia Nisaa
Student Register Number : G34160015
1. Prof Dr Ir Suharsono DEA
2. Dr Alina Akhdiya MSi
Topic : Growth of Transgenic and Non-Transgenic Atlantic Potato Cultivars Inoculated with M. endophyticus Bacteria
Time and Date : Thursday, 17th December 2020
Time : 09.00-09.45 AM GMT+7 JAkarta Time
Media : Zoom
Registration Form:
Invitation to a 6th Guest Lecture in Biology, 2020
- 18 December 2020

Invitation to A 6th Guest Lecture in Biology, 2020
Speaker: Muhammad Arief Budiman, Ph.D (Orion BioScience, USA)
Topic: Molecular Markers and Its APlication in Plant Improvement
Friday, 18th December 2020 (09.00-11.00 AM GMT+7 Jakarta Time)
Media : Zoom,
Meeting ID : 94079277022
Password : bioipb
Moderator: Dr. Ir. Miftahudin, M.Si (Division of Plant Physiology and Genetics)
Registration Form: