Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Announcements Archive May 2018

The Field Assessment of Biology Study Program

  • 17 May 2018

The field assessment of Bachelor Degree in Biology Study Program of the Department of Biology as a part of the reaccreditation process by Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN-PT)

17-19 May 2018

Let make it a success!!

Student Thesis Defence 24 and 25 May 2018

  • 17 May 2018

Name: Widia Bela Oktaviani

Student Registration Number: G34140073

Supervisors: Dr. Tri Atmowidi; Windra Priawandiputra, Ph.D; Dr. Triadiati

Title: Tetragonula Laeviceps Smith (Apidae: Melliponinae) Tetragonula Tetragonula Tetragonula at Campus Area Bogor Agricultural University, Dramaga

Date: 24 May 2018

Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4 Department of Biology


Name: Victor Reynaldi

Student Registration Number: G34140101

Supervisors: Dr. Berry Juliandi; Prof. Arief Boediono, Ph.D; Dr. Noriaki Sasai; Dr. Sri Budiarti

Title: Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Spatial Memory Performance and Neuron Complexity

Date: 25 May 2018

Time: 08.00-10.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4 Department of Biology


Name: Amanda

Student Registration Number: G34140098

Supervisors: Dr. Berry Juliandi; Prof. Arief Boediono, Ph.D; Dr. Noriaki Sasai; Prof.Dr. Anja Meryandini

Title: Soursop Leaf Simplisa Test (Annona Muricata L.) on Dendrit Hipokampus Complexity and Spatial Memory Performance

Date: 25 May 2018

Time: 10.00-12.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4 Department of Biology

Student Research Seminar 17 May 2018

  • 16 May 2018

Name: Nenden Shanazvira A

Student Registration Number: G34140094

Supervisors: Dr. RR Dyah Perwitasari; Dr. Uus Saepuloh

Title: Screening of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Aterogenesis of LDLR Genes in Macaca Fascicularis and Macaca Nemestrina

Time: 13.00-13.45 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1 Department of Biology


Name: Novi Febriani

Student Registration Number: G34140095

Supervisors: Dr. RR Dyah Perwitasari; Dr. Uus Saepuloh

Title: Characterization of C-C Ligand 7 (CCL7) as Genetic Marker of Asthma in Males (Macaca Nemestrina)

Time: 13.45-14.30 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1 Department of Biology


Name: Anisah Mutyandini

Student Registration Number: G34140035

Supervisors: Dr. Hamim; Dr. Yohana C Sulistyaningsih

Title: Response of Anatomy, Morphology, Physiology of Some Biodiesel Producing Plants on Mercury Treatment (Hg) in Hydroponics Culture

Time: 14.30-15.15 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1 Department of Biology


Name: Given Pautami Marthia P

Student Registration Number: G34140056

Supervisors: Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati; Dr. Bambang Suryobroto

Title: Behavioral Responses of Siamangs (Symphalangus Syndactylus) and Javan Langurs (Trachypithecus Auratus) to Zoo Visitors at Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Time: 15.15-16.00 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1 Department of Biology

Student Thesis Defence 22 May 2018

  • 15 May 2018

Name: Erna Dista Restyana

Student Registration Number: G34140042

Supervisors: Dr. Nisa Rachmania M; Dr. Sri Budiarti; Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati

Title: Selection and Characterization of Protease Enzymes from Halogeneran Bacteria Origin Inasua

Time: 09.00-12.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 3 Department of Biology

Student Research Seminar 17 May 2018

  • 14 May 2018

Name: Astri Ariyani

Student Registration Number: G351130181

Supervisors: Dr. Nampiah Sukarno; Dr. Sri Listiyowati

Title: The Variety of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Growth Response to Ginger (Zingiber officinale var officinale)

Time: 09.30-10.30 WIB

Place: Postgraduete Room IPB


Name: Asminarti

Student Registration Number: G353150331

Supervisors: Dr. Ibnul Qayim; Dr. Tatik Chikmawati

Title: The diversity of Terrestrial Nail Plants in Mount Tambora National Park, West Nusa Tenggara

Time: 13.00-14.00 WIB

Place: Postgraduete Room IPB

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