Announcements Archive July 2020
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 15 July 2020

Name : Fitri balqis
Student Register Number: G34160010
Supervisors :
1. Dr. Nisa Rachmania Mubarik, M.Si
2. Dr. Rika Indri Astuti
Topic: Screening of Chitinolytic Rhizosfer Bacteria from Onion Plant (Allium cepa L.)
Date and Time: Thursday, July, 16th 2020 09.00-09.45 am.
Media : Whatsapp Group
Registration Form:
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 15 July 2020

Name : Aswinda Agna Reffaviyana
Student Register Number: G34160051
Supervisors :
1. Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati
2. Prof. Dr. Yamato Tsuji
Topic: Effect of Tourist Activity on Feeding Ecology of Macaca fascicularis in Pangandaran Nature Recreational Park
Date and Time: Thursday, 16th July 2020. 11.00-11.45 am
Media: Google Meet
Registration Form:
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 15 July 2020

Name : Karenina Selviyanti
Student Register Number: G34160044
Supervisors :
1. Dr Ir RR Dyah Perwitasari, M.Sc
2. Dr Ir Entang Iskandar, M.Si
Topic: The Use of Javan Gibbon's Enclosure based on Locomotion Behaviour in Javan Primate Rehabilitation Center, Ciwidey West Java
Time and Date: Thursday, 23 July 2020 10.00-10.45 WIB
Media : Google Meet
Registration Form:
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 15 July 2020

Name : Nur Aisyah Pradekso
Student Register Number: G34160090
Supervisors :
1. Dr. Ir. RR Dyah Perwitasari, M.Sc
2. Dr. Ir. Entang Iskandar, M.Si
Topic: Affiliative Behaviour of Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Pairs in Javan Primate Rehabilitation Center (PRPJ) Patuha, Ciwidey, West Java
Date and Time: Thursday, July 23rd 2020 at 09.00 - 09.45 am
Media : Google Meet
Registration Form:
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 15 July 2020

Name : Cucu Sumiati
Student Register Number: G34160016
Supervisors :
1. Dr. Dra. Yohana C Sulistyaningsih, M.Si
2. Dr. Ir. Dorly, M.Si
Topic: Anatomical Structure Analysis, Secretory Structure, and Histochemical Test for Gotu Kola Plants (Centella asiatica L. Urban)
Date and Time: Saturday, 18th July 2020. 02.00 - 02.45 pm
Media : Google meet
Registration Form: