Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Student Thesis Defence 23 and 26 July 2018

  • 20 July 2018

Name: Kartika Marta Djakaria

Student Registration Number: G34140008

Supervisors: Windra Priawandiputra, Ph.D; Dr. Tri Atmowidi; Prof.Dr. Lisdar A. Manaf

Title: Married Behavior and Body Size of Each Phase in the Lifecycle of Lives

Date: 23 July 2018

Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4, Department of Biology


Name: Ermayanti

Student Registration Number: G34140071

Supervisors: Taruni Sri Prawasti, M.Si; Windra Priawandiputra, Ph.D; Dr. Yohana C. Sulistyaningsih

Title: Structure of Morphohistology of the Digestive Tract of Mantis sp. and Periplaneta sp.

Date: 26 July 2018

Time: 13.00-15.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4, Department of Biology

Invitation of Guest Lecture - Antonio Costa de Oliveira

  • 20 July 2018

Guest Lecture in Plant Biology

Prof. Dr. Antonio Costa de Oliveira

Department of Plant Sciences, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil 

“Bioinformatic Tools for the Study of Abiotic Stresses“

Date and Place: Friday, July 20, 2018 (14.30 WIB) at Reading Room (Ruang Baca), the Department of Biology

Collaborator: Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si. (Plant Physiology and Genetics Division)

Student Research Seminar 23 July 2018

  • 19 July 2018

Name: Damiana Aulia Putri

Student Registration Number: G34140013

Supervisors: Mafrikhul Muttaqin, M.Si; Deden Derajat Muttaqin, Ph.D

Title: Preliminary Effectiveness Analysis of Seed Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) and Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill)

Time: 09.00-09.45 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.3 Department of Biology


Name: Sugeng Purnomo T

Student Registration Number: G34140078

Supervisors: Dr. Kanthi Arum Widayati; Dr. Yamato Tsuji

Title: Effect of Pelage Change of Infant On Interaction wit Other Group Member of Javan Langurs in Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia

Time: 09.45-10.30 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.3 Department of Biology

Student Thesis Defence 25 July 2018

  • 17 July 2018

Name: Dita Purnamasari

Student Registration Number: G34140057

Supervisors: Taruni Sri Prawasti, M.Si; Dr. Tri Atmowidi; Dr. Rita Megia

Title: Ectoparasites in Buffalo Buffalo in West Java

Time: 13.00-15.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 4, Department of Biology

Undergraduate Program in Biology Accreditaion Status Update

  • 3 July 2018

Based on our re-accreditation process, we are pleased to inform you that the Undergraduate Program in Biology has been accredited (A) by BAN-PT (National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi).

Undergraduate Program in Biology

1387/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2018 (Valid until 2023-05-30)


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