Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Announcements Archive October 2018

Student Research Seminar 15 October 2018

  • 10 October 2018

Name: Nila Sundari Aryani

Student Rgistration Number: G34140036

Supervisors: Dr. Gayuh Rahayu; Dr. Efriwati

Title: Making Granola Based on Rhizopus Fermented Local Beans

Time: 10.00-10.45 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1, Department of Biology


Name: Megawati Setyanti

Student Registration Number: G34140090

Supervisors: Dr. Triadiati; Dr. Sri Budiarti

Title: Growth and Antibacterial Potential of Melastoma Malabathricum Due to Drought Stress

Time: 10.45-11.30 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.1, Department of Biology

Student Thesis Defence 12 October 2018

  • 9 October 2018

Name: Anisah

Student Registration Number: G34140006

Supervisors: Dr. Nisa Rachmania M; Dr. Aris Tjahjoleksono; Dr. Gayuh Rahayu

Title: Rizobacteria Inoculant Formulation as Producer of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Its Test on Chili Rawit (Capsicum Frustescens L.)

Time: 08.30-10.30 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology


Name: Lutfiani Maulidya Rahmah

Student Registration Number: G34140037

Supervisors: Dr. Hamim; Dr. Deden Saprudin; Dr. Achmad Farajallah

Title: Effect of Treatment of Gold Mine Liquid Waste on Morphology, Anatomy and Physiology of Pecan Sunan and Mindi Plants

Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 1, Department of Biology


Name: Muhammad Ridwan Rizky

Student Registration Number: G34130081

Supervisors: Dr. Ence Darmo Jaya Supena; Hadisunarso, M.Si; Dr. Sri Listiyowati

Title: Androgenesis Induction of Antera Leunca (Solanum Nigrum L.) Culture with Temperature and Starvation Media Treatment and Addition of Prolina

Time: 13.30-15.30 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 1, Department of Biology

Student Research Seminar 11 October 2018

  • 9 October 2018

Name: Pinky Alvionita

Student Registration Number: G34140025

Supervisors: Windra Priawandiputra, Ph.D; Taruni Sri Prawasti, M.Si

Title: Color Comparison of Plastic Anthropogenic Products as Insect Traps in Four Different Locations Dramaga IPB Campus Bogor, West Java

Time: 13.00-13.45 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.2, Department of Biology


Name: Rais Anggara

Student Registration Number: G34140085

Supervisors: Hadisunarso, M.Si; Listya Mustika Dewi, M.Fes

Title: Anatomical Properties and Quality of Very Unknown Wood Fibers from the Icacinaceae Tribe: Apodytes, Citronella, Gophandra, Gonocaryum, Medusanthera, and Uranda

Time: 13.45-14.30 WIB

Place: RK BIO 1.2, Department of Biology

Biology Career Day

  • 8 October 2018

Biology Career Day: finding your career, reaching your dream


  1. Ruri Prihatini Arimbi, S.Si (Organic Skincare Nectars, Patani Organik)
  2. Haryo Tedjo Prakoso, S.Si, M.Agr.Env (Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Bioindustri Indonesia)
  3. Kusnandar, S.Si. (PT Indolab Utama)
  4. Denny Irawan, S.Si. (PT Rentokil Initial Indonesia)

Saturday, October 13, 2018 (08.00 AM) at RK BIO 1.1 Department of Biology

Contact: Himabio IPB, Aris: 082298315446

Student Thesis Defence 9 October 2018

  • 2 October 2018

Name: Early Rindayani

Student Registration Number: G34140003

Supervisors: Dr. Nisa Rachmania Mubarik; Dr. Aris Tjahjoleksono; Hirmas Fuady Putra, M.Si

Title: Isolation and Characterization of Phosphate Solvent Bacteria from Soil in Former Tin Mine Land in Belitung

Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB

Place: Ruang Sidang 3, Department of Biology

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