Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Third Best Inovation Award for Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA

  • 1 August 2016


Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA chosen as the third best of inovation of NIC-TGIF 2016: 

Jala Ipam untuk Pembangunan Industri Kentang FrenchFries Beku Pertama di Indonesia 

News News


BIOIPB Tracer Study

  • 27 June 2016

Dear Our Beloved Alumni, 

In order to maintenance our quality, please fill in bioipb alumni survey 

Thank You!

One Month Three Achievements

  • 9 June 2016


Three awards have been achieved by the Department of Biology in one month.

  1. Dr. Ir. Iman Rusmana M.Si. was elected as Outstanding Head of Department (1st) in IPB.
  2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA was elected as Outstanding Lecturer (2nd) in IPB.
  3. Suhendrik Tjiam was elected as Outstanding Supporting Staff (1st, category of Academic Administration) in IPB.

Congratulations on your success! You have made us all proud. Keep up the good work!. Thank you for all those who have participated to accomplish this achievements.

Seminar dan Workshop Nasional - BIONIC 2016: Medical application of Stem Cell

  • 11 May 2016


Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMABIO) Institut Pertanian Bogor


"National Seminar and Workshop"


'Medical application of Stem Cell'


Stem cell application is one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs that could potentially be the ultimate solution to many health issues.

Featuring experts and one of the best stem cell researchers in Indonesia.

*including the Top 5 finalist of the Essay Writing Competition from schools and universities all across Indonesia.

The event will be held on :

- Sunday, May 29th 2016


       - Auditorium CCR IPB

       - 07.00 -15.30

       - IDR 35.000

          (Limited to 320 participants)



      -Teaching Lab IPB

      - 07.00 - 11.30

      - (FULL)


*online tickets can be accessed on

*further information are included in the poster


All participants will receive:

 - Seminar kits

 - Certificates

 - Snack

 - Lunch


CDA Jobfair 2016

  • 29 April 2016

Career Development & Alumni Affairs (CDA) IPB dalam rangka mengurangi pengangguran di Indonesia dengan cara menghantarkan lulusan/alumni IPB agar mendapat pekerjaan yang layak dan memfasilitasi lulusn yang ingin meneruskan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, CDA IPB menggelar IPB JOBFAIR 2016

Rangkaian acara IPB JOBFAIR 2016 terdiri dari :
1. Career Expo (diikuti oleh 37 perusahaan nasional & multinasional)
2. Scholarship expo (diikuti oleh 18 lembaga dan universitas penyedia beasiswa nasional dan internasional)

Acara ini akan diadakan pada :
Tanggal : 14-15 Mei 2016
Tempat : Gedung Graha Widya Wisuda Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor
Pukul : 08.00 – 15.00 WIB

Alur memasuki/mengikuti IPB JOBFAIR 2016 :
1. BAGI MEMBER CDA IPB : registrasi IPB Jobfair secara online (website akan kami launching minggu pertama Bulan Mei) atau bisa regisrasi on the spot 14 – 15 Mei 2016 (biaya GRATIS)
Step 1 : Daftar menjadi Member CDA IPB
cara daftar member : – bisa mulai sekarang langsung datang ke loket CDA IPB, Gedung Rektorat Andi Hakim Nasoetion lantai 1, Kampus IPB Dramaga-Bogor (Biaya Rp. 10.000)
– bisa melalui sistem online ( (Biaya Rp. 50.000 untuk 1 tahun)
– bisa on the spot pada waktu pelaksanaan 14-15 Mei 2016
Step 2 : Registrasi IPB JOBFAIR 2016 (website akan kami launching minggu pertama Bulan Mei) atau bisa regisrasi on the spot 14 – 15 Mei 2016
Step 3 : Masuk area Career & Scholarship Expo (biaya GRATIS)

Sekretariat penyelenggara :
Career Development & Alumni Affairs (CDA) IPB
Gedung Rektorat Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lantai 1
Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
Telp. 0251 – 8623327 / 8627446
email :

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