CONGRATULATION! Microbiology Doctoral Program Accredited A by BAN-PT
- 25 June 2015

Microbiology Doctoral Program Accredited A by BAN-PT (2015-2020)
No SK 504/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/V/2015
Briefing Lecture of Field Study 2015
- 17 June 2015
All Participants of Field Study 2015 (Biology Students '50) MUST follow the Lecture Briefing of Field Study will be held on:
Day / Date: Monday / June 22, 2015
Time: 9 am - 12 pm
Place: RK Amarilis (next to the cafeteria "Geulis")
CONGRATULATION! Plant Biology Master Program Accredited A by BAN-PT
- 12 June 2015

Plant Biology Master Program Accredited A by BAN-PT (2015-2020)
No SK 145/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2015
CONGRATULATION! Our June 2015 Achievements
- 10 June 2015

We congratulate
Dr. Ir. Iman Rusmana M.Si.
2nd Place of 2015 IPB Ketua Departemen Berprestasi
Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA
Best of 2015 FMIPA Dosen Berprestasi
Best of 2015 IPB Tenaga Kependidikan Bidang Keuangan
Yenny Rosmalawaty
5th Place of 2015 IPB Tenaga Kependidikan Bidang Administrasi Umum
Bapak Ejen Muhamadjen Berpulang
- 10 June 2015
Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun.
Telah meninggal dunia Bapak Ejen Muhamadjen, tenaga kependidikan Departemen Biologi FMIPA IPB. Semoga amal ibadah beliau diterima dan dosa-dosanya diampuni Alloh SWT. Semoga keluarga diberi ketabahan.